Finally, we have completed the Hawkins House with a few small exceptions. The new owner moved in the end of October and we started monitoring energy use Dec 1 with the generous support from my friends at Deep Blue NRG ...

It has been a very busy couple weeks handling the standard construction pieces of the project: drywall, trim, painting, siding, tiling, hardware, finishing out plumbing and electrical. Other than extra attention to sealing around the windows and trim as an ...

With the framing, mechanical and electrical inspections passed we started insulating the home. We used Roxul batt insulation on the interior 2 x 4 wall because we ...

With the mechanical and electrical rough in competed, we had 8 penetrations through the building envelope that we had carefully sealed. So we would know how ...

With the windows installed and sealed and the exterior OSB wall layer and interior plywood ceiling layer completed, we conducted our first blower door test using the passive ...